MUA or manipulation under anesthesia is a noninvasive outpatient procedure offered for acute and chronic painful conditions of the neck, back, sacroiliac joints, shoulders, and hips. MUA is a viable alternative for those patients that are not responding to traditional chiropractic, physical therapy, invasive procedures such as injection therapy, or even surgery. With the use of sedation, painful muscles and joints are completely relaxed allowing Dr. Fischer to comfortably stretch, massage and adjust the involved areas more effectively than in an office setting. The results are usually life changing.
The MUA team consists of Dr. Bruce Fischer, one of the nation’s leaders in MUA, a board-certified anesthesiologist, and an the attending nurses. MUA is truly unique as it joins together the multiple specialties chiropractic, anesthesia, and medicine, for the therapeutic benefit of the patient. This procedure should only be performed by a physician that has been trained in the practice of MUA. Dr. Fischer has trained hundreds of chiropractors, medical doctors, and ambulatory surgery centers across the country and has published several journal articles on Manipulation Under Anesthesia.
In our opinion, MUA should be renamed "stretching with sedation". This procedure is 75% stretching and 25% manipulation of involved areas of the body. The results are truly remarkable.
Stretching the patient while sedated breaks up scar tissue or adhesions in and around the muscles, discs, and connective tissues. These adhesions are commonly caused by multiple injuries, car accidents, sports injuries, poor posture, or even failed back surgeries. These adhesions are usually the reason why patients are not improving with their chiropractic treatment or pain doctors in an office setting, thus preventing full recovery from pain.
Manipulation Under Anesthesia has a very high safety profile. The side effects of the procedure are those of regular chiropractic adjustments. All patients are fully monitored by the anesthesia team at South Palm Ambulatory Surgery Center, Boca Raton. “Conscious sedation” is utilized for our MUA procedures. IV conscious sedation is extremely safe in an outpatient setting, as the patient is not under “general anesthesia”. Our patients are breathing on their own and are aware of the stretching procedures by the MUA physician. The total procedure lasts about ten minutes, and the patient can be in and out of the center and completely discharged within sixty minutes, not much longer than a typical office visit.
You would benefit from our procedure if you have: 1. Treated with multiple physicians and therapists with limited results, 2. You have ongoing prolonged treatment with chiropractors, physical therapists, or pain doctors, with limited/temporary results, and if you are not a candidate for surgery or ongoing pain medication. If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are a candidate
What do all these conditions have in common? They are painful conditions of the muscles, nerves, and joints that are chronic in nature (long term, unresponsive to traditional treatments) and that have scar tissue associated with it. This is the reason why MUA can successfully treat these conditions and the others fail.
The MUA procedure uses twilight sedation to relax restricted muscles allowing the physician to gently stretch and adjust the spine. The MUA physician is trained to recognize where and how much stretching and adjustments are needed for each patient. Following the three-day procedure, post MUA exercises begin which will help to achieve the optimal benefit.
Typically, a rehabilitation program lasts for 3-4 weeks post procedure. The proposed effects of the MUA include altering pain producing scar tissue formations, decompression of bulging/herniated discs, stretching of chronically tight muscles, and eliminating pain by improving range of motion of the affected joints. Patients often undergo various treatments, such as physical therapy, traditional chiropractic care, epidural injections, back surgery, and other treatments.
These do not address fibrous adhesions. Some patients feel temporarily better with these treatments, but their pain often returns. Studies have proposed that it is the adhesions and scar tissue that have built up around spinal joints and muscles that causes chronic pain. In order to offer long term pain relief, the fibrous adhesions in the joint capsules, discs, and surrounding supportive tissues must be treated.
They are painful conditions of the muscles, nerves, and joints that are chronic in nature (long term, unresponsive to traditional treatments) and that have scar tissue associated with it. This is the reason why MUA can successfully treat these conditions and the others fail.
— J.S
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